Embargo Añejo Extra 40°

28,90  Bottle

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4,96  5 cl sample

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Embargo Añejo Extra 40°: Description and customer reviews

Embargo Añejo Extra is the new name of Embargo Añejo Exquisito.

This is a blend of 3 traditional rums aged for a few years, for smoothness and roundness (one comes from Guatemala and is distilled from cane honey, the other two come from Cuba and Trinidad and are distilled from molasses), and a younger Martinique agricultural rum (distilled from pure cane juice, for fresh sugarcane aromas).

While Embargo Añejo Extra can be enjoyed neat, it is primarily intended for making quality cocktails.

Nico's tasting notes

Spices dominate the nose, with cinnamon in the foreground. Then caramel enters the scene, accompanied by a fairly dry woodiness that balances everything out.
With aeration, the nose becomes more powerful, preventing us from falling into the trap of an overly sweet rum. Cinnamon is still very present, and dried fruits make their appearance.

The palate is more pastry-like: sweet and vanilla-like, the dryness disappears and the spices mellow.

The rum is greedy and sweet throughout.

"A traditional Spanish rum that has nothing to be ashamed of alongside the great names of the genre..."


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