Saint Aubin 10 years 43° comes from the artisanal rum factory in which Saint Aubin distills the rum in a pot still .
The cane used comes exclusively from the 2003 harvest.
This heart of toast is aged for 10 years in oak barrels before bottling.
Nico's tasting notes
The nose immediately develops an extremely ripe cane, exuding a moist, tropical exoticism. It's nestled in an equally candied woodiness, so mellow that it evokes a very fat blond tobacco. There's a hint of minerality but mellowwhich could also lead us to the tannins of very mellow wines, por even beer lees.
The airing takes us deep into the heart of a humid, teeming wood. There's always an oily atmosphere, with a paste of nuts, milk chocolate and toffee. The oak fibers seem to stretch as if the flesh of a fine brioche were being torn. Gourmet spices then awaken the nostrils.
The palate is soft, with a very fluid texture and woody aromas. The tannins are extremely mellow, although there's a hint of barrel dust that leaves flavors of cocoa and oily nuts on the palate. The slightly mineral side is present, as is the beer lees, with some malty and umami flavors. Tender, ripe cane has been preserved on the mid-palate, spreading its rounded, vegetal flavors. Then the cane turns to sugar, then syrup, then caramel. The palate is then invaded by this surprising caramel, well-cooked but still very round.
The finish returns to ripe cane and soft wood, united in a cane syrup that has just been blondized.
"A very mature rhum de pur jus, with lovely ripe cane and full, gourmand wood..."
Stéphane Lambelet
Rum just excellent I recommend
Christian BERNARD
Only happiness