Tamosi Original Blended Rum is an original blend of molasses rums created by bottler Tamosi. The name of this Dutch company is inspired by the language of an ethnic cousin of the Arawaks, the Caribbean Indians. Tamosi means "the Elder, the Creator". In legend, he took on the appearance of a large tree, which can be seen on the label of this cuvée.
This blend is made up of 4 rums with different styles:
- The first rum comes from Guyana, more precisely from the Diamond distillery. It is a molasses rum with the SV mark, produced with the Coffey column.
- Next, we head for Jamaica with a rum from Hampden Estate, pot still distilled according to the HGML mark (the ester content is between 1000 and 1100 g/hlap).
- A change of register with an AOC Martinique agricultural rum from Saint James.
- And finally, a rum from Panama, column-distilled at Varela Hermanos.
Once assembled, there are no additions. Only Guyana's rum is colored with very concentrated caramel (to avoid sugar intake) according to the tradition followed by this distillery.
Bottling was carried out after reducing the whole to 46°.
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